Helping our clients communicate their purpose in a meaningful way, is one of our core specialisms at Highlight.

While doing good things in the background is great, if your target audience doesn’t understand the ‘why’ behind it, it will fail to resonate.

As a founding member of the Fairtrade movement, Clipper Teas has long been committed to ethical and sustainable tea production. But why should shoppers choose Fairtrade tea? And why should the tea industry do more to help the people who pick their tea?

Clipper Teas: A Pioneer in Fairtrade

For 40 years, Clipper Teas has been at the forefront of ethical and sustainable tea production. Not only did the brand help write the original Fairtrade tea standards, but it also continues to uphold those values in every aspect of its operations.

Clipper’s unwavering belief in the power of Fairtrade and organic sourcing has positioned the brand as a leader in sustainable tea production. As we approached Fairtrade Fortnight, our goal was to highlight this pioneering spirit, while giving Clipper a clear leadership perspective.

Securing a Key Interview to Drive Change

To maximise Clipper’s visibility during Fairtrade Fortnight, we leveraged the brand’s ethical credentials to secure an impactful interview with Rebecca Speare-Cole at PA media, one of the most respected voices in sustainable reporting.

We spotted a critical opportunity, hooking on to the recent news agenda linking climate change to tea production, and sharing Clipper’s viewpoint that Fairtrade and organic tea is part of the solution.

This interview gave Clipper the platform to not only showcase its own commitments but to also advocate for broader industry change. The message was clear: through more collective action, the industry can make a greater impact on the lives of farmers and communities across the globe. The call-to-action was powerful and resonated with both media and consumers.

Bringing in broadcast

Alongside the PA interview, we also took the story to broadcast media. The approach focused more on Clipper’s impressive brand heritage in sustainable tea production supported by its longstanding partnerships with the Fairtrade Foundation and its tea partners. The approach was a success and resulted in ITV West Country visiting the factory to film a dedicated segment.

Reframing the Sustainability Narrative

The climate crisis is usually at the forefront of the media headlines, yet Clipper zooms out to take in the bigger picture: biodiversity and what we can all do to protect and nurture it.

As Clipper highlighted in the interview, its mission is to grow awareness of ethical production to ensure farmers get a sustainable price for their tea. A sustainable price for tea results in more environmentally-friendly farming and better living conditions. This shift in value perception is vital for ensuring that tea communities thrive, and that the planet is protected in the process.

Amplifying Success Across the Media Landscape

The powerful PA interview featured in an article published by over 170 media outlets, including Mail Online, Indy 100, MSN, Yahoo and others reaching a diverse audience of consumers, business leaders, and policymakers.

The ITV West Country filming resulted in a news bulletin that was teased in the morning during Good Morning Britain, with the full feature in the 6pm news. The story was also covered on ITV’s website, lending to greater social reach and shares. You can watch on demand here.

This extensive coverage not only increased awareness of Clipper Teas’ ongoing commitment to sustainability but also reinforced the brand’s pioneering legacy.
